16 December 2011

First Night Out in Italy

We've been here five full days and finally decided to venture out of the Caserma Ederle gates and into the city of Vicenza. It was really dark out, so it was hard to mentally capture the look of the area, but we did have fun!

After rambling down the sidewalk, we finally found a tiny little Italian/American restaurant. Most of the employees spoke broken English and they had American Christmas songs playing in the background (to bad - they should have been playing some of Il Volo's songs!), but the menu was in Italian. I was told not to visit restaurants that had menus in English because the food wouldn't be good.

We both had pasta and some wine...and it was all so delicious! We bought a bottle of wine to take home as well =0)

All in all, it was an amazing evening. Much better than what took place earlier this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Glad you guys got out for some real food! Hope you are having fun :)
    Stacy and AJ
