01 November 2012

Dear Daddy

Did you like the video Mommy posted of me playing with my hands? I'm getting pretty good at bringing my hands to my mouth now.

We had a great day that is being followed by the beginnings of a rough night. I've had two baths so far today and one of Mommy's favorite onesies bit the dust. It was just to nasty. :0)

I missed seeing you on the computer today. We'll have to try and make it happen tomorrow!

Mommy has been having some rough moments. She misses you a lot. We read your storybook and practice saying Daddy all the time! Mommy says that she hopes you are my first word because then you'll have to be the one to take care of me more often as I'll be calling for you.

Everyone is saying I'm getting prettier as the days go by. You had better sharpen up your shooting skills for when I get older!

Sending you kisses,
Your baby girl

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