16 October 2012

Dear Daddy

Today I tortured Mommy by refusing to sleep at all between the hours of 7am and 1:30pm. Mommy spent a good portion of that time sitting outside because she just couldn't take my endless crying (aka. screaming). At that point Mommy finally gave up any hope of me sleeping and so we went and returned the one lousy "womb" bear that was barely audible, and bought a different one that is a lot louder.

Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house to visit. I drank part of my bottle and promptly feel asleep and all of Grandma and Grandpa's attempts to wake me up we're in vain. I had finally wore myself out from all the crying earlier.

Mommy and I watched the Cards game tonight. I got so bummed over the other team's runs that I decided to fall asleep (again).

We put the new "womb" bear to the test tonight and it worked with great success. Mommy laid me down in my own bed, wide awake, and I fell asleep on my own without so much as a peep squeak! Mommy hopes we have multiple repeats of this miraculous occurrence.

Sorry I missed you during FaceTime today. I'll do my best to be awake for you tomorrow!

Love you Daddy.

- your baby girl

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