08 October 2012

Dear Daddy

I'm six weeks old today! Mommy has been reading alot of baby development stuff online and she is really excited about how everyone says it all gets easier from here. But you know me...I don't normally follow what the experts say! I like to make up my own rules.

My cousin was over here today and I had fun playing with him. He talked to me, made silly faces, and entertained me.

I follow people with my eyes now and respond to them by smiling. Mommy is my favorite and I always jerk my head around trying to find her when I hear her voice.

Other than playing with my cousin, Mommy and I didn't do much. I was good this morning and slept in my swing for a while, allowing Mommy to grab an hour of sleep.

This afternoon Mommy watched the Cards game. I tried to for a little while, but being a baby is hard work an I ended up sleeping through most of the last half.

Sending hugs and milky kisses. I love you Daddy!

- your baby girl

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